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Hi there all you lovely boys and girls, teachers, and parents.


My name is Martie Breytenbach.  I live in South Africa in a breathtakingly beautiful area called Wilderness. I built my house and settled in in 2020. I have a gorgeous daughter, a devoted mother, and two cats, whom I adore.


A bit of background: After graduating from high school, I studied to become a teacher. I taught middle grade for a few years and then furthered my studies in Educational Psychology. After graduation, I practiced as an Educational Psychologist in private practice for 20 years, of which the last 7 years were at a school. When I moved to the Western Cape I made radical changes to my life. I do not practice as an Educational Psychologist anymore, but instead spend all my working hours starting up Kids Ministry. I love creating the products you see on this website.


But more than anything I love Jesus, my heavenly Father, and the Holy Spirit. I've been a child of God since my teenage years (I was born in 1966) and have conducted many Bible studies over the years.  I've devoted the rest of my life to developing products for children based on Biblical principles. Although I spend most of my time creating YouTube videos, I also develop a wide variety of other products which you can access from the home page. I regularly give away stuff for free. Check it out.


My vision and mission for this ministry are as follows.



With God's help, I want to win souls for Jesus and teach Biblical principles through products for children until God tells me to stop or comes to fetch me.




With God's help, I want to spread these products successfully throughout the world.


My faith statement is as follows:

I believe in a trinity God, the Father, His Son Jesus, and the Holy Spirit, as revealed in the Word of God (Bible). This God is the God of Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Jacob, and all the Christian leaders in the Bible. He is the great 'I am', almighty, holy, and above everything and everyone. I believe that God the Father sent His Son in human form to earth to die for us as sinners, that He (Jesus) rose from the grave and sits at the right hand of God the Father, so that we can have eternal life with Him. I believe that God sent the Holy Spirit to live in every believer when Jesus ascended to heaven. I believe that this great God is the only God, that He is sovereign and infinite, and that He loves all people endlessly.



It is my sincere prayer that every child and adult who listens, reads, or has any kind of encounter with my products, will learn more about Jesus and our heavenly Father, and draw closer to them in a personal relationship.


Love you


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